Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Chapter...

Well here I am again, pondering the great mysteries of life. I am sorry I have not updated in a while (again), I have been trying to do a lot of thinking about my life and everything and everyone in it. I really need to get my body in shape for the Police Academy, yes thats right I am in the middle of trying to get ready for the Police Department. I already had my interview and that went fairly well, so I should be getting in there pretty soon.

So, as of right now I am trying to get my money in better shape, I am making some good money at this side job I have, so thats helping me knock down some of these issues. I am giving up drinking, so no more drinking anymore regardless of the situation. I have been giving a lot of thought to where my life is headed and what I need to get done, so I have a feeling things are going to get really rough for me here in the next couple of months.

I will doing daily updates, so I can use this thing here to help me move on and past everything, not to mention the fact that things are going to get really interesting in the next couple of months for me. Between the upcoming election, Festival in the Park, my 22nd birthday, and the police academy coming up things will be getting interesting. Not to mention I am really trying to save up enough money so I can just disappear for a week or two, it's gonna be really nice to just get away. Anyway, I am gonna hit the sack, so I leave you with another great quote, from my big book of quotes! G'nite.


"How do you know when love is gone? If you said that you would be there by seven, and you get there by nine, and he or she has not called the police - its gone." ~ Marlene Dietrich

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