Monday, June 23, 2008

Its been while....

Yea, I know I am not the worlds best at keeping up with all of this internet stuff. I finally got my computer back and I am very happy about that so expect a whole bunch of new pictures to be coming up soon. I have started to see someone, and she is a really great gal, so I am hoping things work out between us. Ya know, I for some reason dont really have a whole lot to say right now for some reason.... I know its odd, but I just dont. Maybe its because I am really tired, but I dont know. I will try and update with a little more then just blabber when I am not so tired.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And the beat goes on....

I am going to be going all the way out to Hampton today to give Amanda all of her stuff back. I am not looking forward to spending most of my day driving around the great state of Virginia. I love to take road trips, but this is one that I never wanted to have to take. Amanda was supposed to meet me at UVa so I wouldnt have to drive all the way out to Hampton, but she has an "exercise" and can't leave the area. So she agreed to buy me gas for the return trip so I wouldn't have to foot the bill all by myself. Which I think is a really nice thing for her to do, even tho I am not sure what she is trying to do by that, or if I am just reading into too much like always.

I have someone showing up at the house tomorrow, I cannot say who, but it is someone in my family. It is supposed to be a suprise, but I think my sister already knows who it is going to be. I am leaving for Hampton as soon as my room is clean enough for someone other then me to stay in it. Which should be never! I am really tired right now, and I could use a full night of sleep, which I really hope to get when I get home tomorrow night since I don't have to work until Thursday night at The Mix.

Today I called up John C Nordt, and asked about getting my job back so I should hopefully hear something back today about whether or not I am able to go back to work there. I really hope so, I mean I hate to say it but I miss working there. I really liked working with those people, but I will admit there needs to be some huge changes brought about to that company if it wants to stay afloat in these tough economic times. Well I dont really have a whole lot to say, I am sure I will be a buzz with things to say tomorrow night when I come back from giving everything back to Amanda. Goodnight.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Okay, so whats your point?

Well, I know I have not blogged in a while but its not my fault my stupid cell phone doesnt want to upload my posts on here. I had my 22nd birthday last week, and that was pretty much the worst day I have had in a really long time, I think it was even worse then the day my ex and I broke up. She called me up and was yelling at me over some stupid shit that wasn't even really that important.

Anyway, I went and saw Kung Fu Panda today, it was a pretty decent movie and I had a good time. But I had an even better time after the movie was over but I wont say why that is ;). The only thing I will say is that if you are a creepy old man you need to stay the hell away from me on really nice days when I am trying to take a walk in the woods. BOOO old man BOOOO on you.

In other more boring news, I am back working at home shopping network for the time being as a guard. I am trying to get back on at Nordt. I am supposed to go out to UVa to meet up with Amanda to give her her stuff back and to find out whether or not she is going to give me a second chance at this relationship, but ya know what, for all the feelings I still have for her I know that she is just going to shoot me down again, and I am tired of being on this emotional roller coaster. I guess thats what they call life tho.

Working at The Mix has been having its un foreseen benefits. I have been meeting a whole lot of new and very cool people. We are doing College Nights again, and last week I saw someone I haven't seen in a long time, and it turns out she is divorced. I like the team that works at The Mix, and that is a job I really look forward to showing up at no matter what is going on that said night. I would have to say that of all the things I am doing in my life right now I think that working downtown is one of the things that I look forward to the most. I need to go in and talk to one of the Managers tomorrow about a few things regarding Thursday night. If you live in Roanoke and read this blog come down to The Mix and tell me you read my blog "CalleJones" and I will let you in for free. Anyway, I need to get back to work and stop screwing around. Later.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

And then there was one.

Well, I am still pretty pissed off that my birthday was ruined yesterday. I really didn't do a whole hell of a lot on my day off. I went to Bdubs and met up with Panda Bear, and then after that I went down to the Mix to see how it was doin down there. Needless to say there was only 10 of us, including the people that were working there. We hung out til about 2am and just kinda were bull shittin around which is really nice to be able to do now.

I am going back full timne at Home Shopping Network and then working two nights at the Mix which should make for some interesting nights. I am also moving out of my house. I found a roommate and a place in Salem that I am going to check out here really soon. Well I am really really tired, so I am going to bed.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

fuck it

So I would have to say that my 22nd birthday was the worst that I ever had. It was going just fine and then I sent a message to my ex that said "hey, the txt was nice, but I would of rather you called to wish me a happy birthday." So she calls me about five seconds later and just chews me a new asshole talkin about I don't know what kinda day she just had. I mean what bull shit is that! She's yelling at me on my birthday, I wasn't even trying to be rude to her or anything. Its total bull shit, so whatever. Amanda if you read this, thanks again for ruining my birthday.

Its my partya

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Funny, isnt it?

Its a wonder how sometimes in life you can feel like you are at the top of the world, and sometimes even the smallest thing will drag you down. Two weeks ago I was at the top of the world. I had just quit my job at John C. Nordt and was about to start the Police Academy and after one day, an injury, something I thought was behind me came back to bite me in the ass.

I think about it as this, in my life there have been times where I have thought I was moving ahead in things, but in reality everything around me was moving backwards. I really wanted to be a police officer, I have my own personal motivations, but its something I can do to benefit others while at the same time giving me something to be proud of.

The other thing that happened since my last blog post was Festival in the Park. I loved doing it this year, and I think for this having been only my first year on the Board that things went really well. I will be posting some pictures as soon as I get a chance. Tomorrow is my birthday and I of course will be working, but its no big deal I hope to get lunch with a few people before I go into work so things should be just fine. I mean, I'm 22 so its really nothing worth celebrating. Anyway I'm done for right now, I'm working til 4am so I'm sure I will post again soon. Oh, anyone wanna take a bet that my ex will call me around 8 or 9 tonight just before she goes to bed to wish me a happy birthday. She calls me at that time so she can use the "I have to get up early" excuse since she's about to be in bed. Any takers lemme know? Later.