Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And the beat goes on....

I am going to be going all the way out to Hampton today to give Amanda all of her stuff back. I am not looking forward to spending most of my day driving around the great state of Virginia. I love to take road trips, but this is one that I never wanted to have to take. Amanda was supposed to meet me at UVa so I wouldnt have to drive all the way out to Hampton, but she has an "exercise" and can't leave the area. So she agreed to buy me gas for the return trip so I wouldn't have to foot the bill all by myself. Which I think is a really nice thing for her to do, even tho I am not sure what she is trying to do by that, or if I am just reading into too much like always.

I have someone showing up at the house tomorrow, I cannot say who, but it is someone in my family. It is supposed to be a suprise, but I think my sister already knows who it is going to be. I am leaving for Hampton as soon as my room is clean enough for someone other then me to stay in it. Which should be never! I am really tired right now, and I could use a full night of sleep, which I really hope to get when I get home tomorrow night since I don't have to work until Thursday night at The Mix.

Today I called up John C Nordt, and asked about getting my job back so I should hopefully hear something back today about whether or not I am able to go back to work there. I really hope so, I mean I hate to say it but I miss working there. I really liked working with those people, but I will admit there needs to be some huge changes brought about to that company if it wants to stay afloat in these tough economic times. Well I dont really have a whole lot to say, I am sure I will be a buzz with things to say tomorrow night when I come back from giving everything back to Amanda. Goodnight.


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