Monday, April 14, 2008


Whats to say about the first day of the week other then it normally sucks. I mowed my grass at the house today, and did a few chores around the house before I had to go to work. I checked on getting my laptop fixed, its going to cost me maybe $80 or $120 dollars depending on how long it takes him to get it done.

Work was boring as usual, I ran on the CnC machine tonight which is normally pretty boring because all I do is sit there and push a couple of buttons. I would much rather be sitting in the setting dept. and cleaning up some of those damn Etiole rings then doing stupid machining. As a matter of fact, I would just as rather not work there anymore. I know, I keep saying I don't want to work there anymore, but I am trying to do something about it. I work a second job to bring in some extra money, I am trying to get into the Police Department, so you can't say I am not trying. It's just the other things in my life that I am having a little more trouble with.

I am scared out of my mind about my ex girlfriend getting deployed to Iraq, it scares me shitless. Even though I know we are not together right now, I am terrified of anything every happening to her. To me Iraq is now a pointless war that is taking this country into no where but ruin. I found this really great quote that I am going to put at the end of this post.

I really cant wait to take my vacation, when and where ever that may be. I am really looking forward to just packing my bags one night when I get off work, and just go, thats all I want to do, just hop in the car and go. Live out the American dream, and find the unfound frontier I just want to leave it all behind. Who knows, this might just be a bunch of wishful thinking as of right now, but I can't just sit here anymore and continue to let my life pass me by with every moment. All I do is work, and when I dont work I sleep, and when I am not doing either of those two things, I just kinda sit around and think, and thinking makes me want to sleep, and so does work.

But anyway, its getting close to 4 o'clock in the morning and all this thinking about work is making me want to go to sleep. Not to mention the fact that I have a huge headache, and I am still not sure as to whether or not I am going to finish mowing the grass tomorrow considering I was only able to get about half of it done. Well good night my friends.


"If they've been put there to fight, there are far too few. If they've been put there to be killed, there are far too many." ~ Ernest F Hollings, US Senator. On US Marines in Lebanon, Time 26 Dec 83

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